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At the Mead we aim to nurture children’s curiosity about the world around them; to develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding and to introduce children to the excitement of scientific enquiry.

Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity, so it is vital we motivate and involve our pupils so they are interested in and enjoy science. We do this through embedding first-hand exploration and practical investigation, often in a cross curricular way. We build up scientific vocabulary and encourage our children to apply their mathematical knowledge to their understanding of science, including collecting, presenting and analysing data.

To enrich our curriculum we invite in science based workshops and visitors to engage our pupils and help enhance their learning. Alongside this we are lucky to be able to experience real, relevant science outside the classroom at the Mead in our garden areas, on the field and at the shared pond environment.

In all our scientific work we aim to promote a responsible attitude towards health and safety, and a respect for living organisms and the environment.

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