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At Mead Infant and Nursery School, we recognise and nurture children's natural curiosity and inclination to explore and experiment. Our aim is to foster a lifelong love of science by balancing the acquisition of scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding with the active process of exploration and investigation. By developing scientific enquiry skills, encouraging critical thinking, and explicitly teaching scientific vocabulary, we empower our children to engage with science confidently.



 To achieve our intent, we follow a carefully planned, progressive curriculum based on the National Curriculum. We use the Kapow scheme of work to deliver this. From Nursery through Reception and Key Stage 1, we provide a rich science journey that supports and challenges our children. Science at The Mead includes hands-on, enquiry-based activities that inspire active participation. We extend learning beyond the classroom by offering real-life science experiences in our garden area, on the field, and at our shared pond environment. We also organise science workshops and invite experts to enhance the learning experience. Additionally, we celebrate British Science Week annually and BET Green Week, where we focus on sustainability.


Our commitment to science education aims to have a lasting impact. By igniting children's fascination and equipping them with scientific literacy, we prepare them for the challenges of today and tomorrow. Our children develop science enquiry skills that prepare them for future careers in science, technology, and engineering. They become confident in asking questions, investigating, and finding answers. This, coupled with secure substantive knowledge, shapes their understanding of the world.

Subject Progression Tracker

Knowledge Organisers