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School Development Plan

 Summary of School Development Priorities 2024 - 2026

Leadership and Mangement 

  • Maintain the school’s robust safeguarding policies and procedures so that there continues to be a strong safeguarding culture and safeguarding remains highly effective
  • To ensure a school wide focus on sustainability as part of wider trust work towards carbon zero, increased biodiversity, reduced waste and climate education
  • Continue to promote and market the school so it is the first-choice school for parents in the local area
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion will be front and centre to all out thinking, actions and planning
  • To ensure the continued effectiveness of the LGC through the smooth transition of a joint LGB between The Mead and Auriol
  • To continue to ensure that staff have their wellbeing needs met using AI technology to reduce workload
  • Engage parents further to support their child's education effectively

Quality of Education 

    • Continue to maximise the outcomes and learning experiences for all children across foundation subjects by ensuring that the curriculum is inclusive, and assessment is used effectively
    • Increase the % of children achieving the expected standard in writing to at least 81%
    • Ensure adaptation in maths challenges all learners

Attendance and Behaviour 

  • Continue to improve attendance by embedding policy and procedures in attendance and punctuality in line with new DFE expectations
  • Ensure there is a robust and effective behaviour policy in place which meets the needs of all children which is applied consistently and understood by all stakeholders 

Personal Development 

  • Further enrich the curriculum by increasing the opportunities for all pupils to develop their character, stretch their talents and widen their interests during their time at the Mead. Embed the BET guarantee

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

  • Ensuring high quality enhancements and adult interactions enable all children to develop, consolidate and deepen their knowledge, understanding and skills
  • There is progression of skills in continuous provision from nursery to Year 1