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Welcome to The Mead Infant and Nursery School, where we celebrate our young mathematicians!




Our curriculum aims to foster a love for mathematics by encouraging children to engage with the subject enthusiastically and curiously, adopting a "have a go" attitude and understanding the value of taking risks. We strive to build confidence through the development of fluency and problem-solving skills, enabling children to apply their mathematical knowledge in various contexts. By cultivating critical thinking and reasoning skills, we support children in finding efficient solutions and articulating their thought processes. Our focus on conceptual understanding and knowledge recall ensures that children can apply their learning effectively. We promote resilience, encouraging independent learning and the use of logic and reasoning to overcome challenges. Through the use of stem sentences and the development of mathematical vocabulary, children learn to explain their thinking clearly. We emphasise understanding both the "how" and "why" of mathematical methods, leading to deeper comprehension and confident application. Additionally, we integrate mathematics across other subjects, enriching learning experiences in areas such as Design Technology and Physical Education.


At The Mead Infant and Nursery School, we implement our maths curriculum using the White Rose Maths scheme as our foundation, supplemented with activities from NRICH and NCETM. Our involvement with the local Maths Hub supports our training needs and provides additional resources.

The White Rose Maths scheme organises the curriculum into topic blocks, each containing a variety of reasoning, problem-solving, and fluency activities. We ensure that at least three focused problem-solving lessons are taught each half-term to develop children's skills and demonstrate their fluency and knowledge. Key learning aspects are regularly revisited through verbal or mental lesson starters, preparing children to build on their knowledge when they encounter concepts again. We schedule maths intervention groups for children needing extra support to fully grasp and apply the taught concepts.

Our teaching methods and resources are diverse, encouraging children to select the most appropriate tools for tasks, fostering independence and critical thinking. Classrooms provide open access to necessary resources, and we praise children for being resourceful, linking this to our learning behaviours.

Discussion is a crucial part of learning, and children are encouraged to share their thoughts, ideas, and methods with peers, teachers, or in groups. We vary task types to suit different learning preferences, with a strong focus on developing reasoning skills. Investigative tasks allow pupils to follow lines of enquiry, develop their ideas, and justify their answers. Children work both collaboratively and independently, building perseverance and resilience.

Formative assessment occurs throughout each lesson, with feedback provided through written or verbal comments, intervention groups, and extension tasks, in line with our marking policy. Ongoing assessment through adult questioning informs planning.

Each class features a maths 'working wall' that is regularly updated to reflect the current unit, displaying key vocabulary, stem sentences, problem-solving models, images, and examples of children's work. These elements are referred to and used in every lesson.

In Key Stage 1, children participate in 'Speedy Maths' sessions, spending five minutes daily on mental recall and arithmetic questions to improve speed and accuracy. These sessions also provide opportunities to revisit and review previously taught topics and fundamental maths skills. Children mark their own work, and we use a dot to indicate answers that need rethinking, promoting a positive attitude towards learning. Throughout the process, children are praised for their effort and perseverance, reinforcing our learning behaviours.


At the end of Key Stage 1, the majority of our pupils meet the expected standard. This percentage is above national data, ensuring they are well-prepared for Key Stage 2. They recognise the importance of mathematics as a crucial life skill applicable in various aspects of their lives.

Our pupils develop a positive attitude towards mathematics, fostered by an engaging and enjoyable learning environment. They are encouraged to investigate, ask questions, and take risks, understanding that mistakes are part of the learning process. This approach builds their confidence to attempt new challenges and select appropriate tools and strategies for problem-solving.

Children are aware of their strengths and areas for improvement in mathematics. They understand what steps they need to take to enhance their skills. Our mathematics books clearly demonstrate the progression and comprehension of key concepts and skills amongst our pupils.

The teaching of mathematics at The Mead Infant and Nursery School emphasises fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving.  Our children strive to be the best Mead Mathematicians they can be.

Subject Progression Tracker