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Religious Education


At The Mead Infant and Nursery School, it is our aim that, through the teaching of RE, that the children develop their enthusiasm for the study of religion and beliefs, and thus enhance their own spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

 We celebrate the diversity of the school community and develop a respect, appreciation and understanding of principal religions and non-religious viewpoints. The curriculum provokes challenging questions and children learn to articulately express their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences, whilst respecting the right of others to differ. RE at The Mead supports the children’s developing sense of identity within The Mead family itself as well as within the wider local community and the diverse world in which we live in.

A thematic approach is taken in our early years when topics are based upon children’s own lives and experiences.  The children are introduced to Christianity, and other religions and beliefs represented within their own class and/or school.  In Key Stage 1 the curriculum introduces children to the study of Christianity and aspects of Judaism and Islam and incorporates, where appropriate, consideration of non-religious world views such as Humanism.


RE at The Mead is taught through weekly lessons in accordance with the Surrey Agreed Syllabus 2023-2028

These units are typically taught through weekly lessons. Teachers design learning journeys for students, aligning with the non-statutory guidance accompanying the Agreed Syllabus. These journeys encompass the following stages:

Engage: Students actively participate in the topic.  Enquire and Explore: They delve deeper into the subject.  Evaluate: Pupils assess what they’ve learnt. Express: Assessment occurs during the "express" phase of their learning journey.

To enrich children’s learning experiences, Key Stage 1 classes  take part in a visit to a place of worship, including visits to Worcester Park Baptist Church and North West Surrey Synagogue and to Baitul Futuh Mosque in Morden. Children will also learn about many of the calendar's religious festivals in our assemblies.


Our Religious Education (RE) curriculum is designed to actively engage children and foster enjoyment in learning about various religious beliefs. Through their learning, children are encouraged to express their own ideas and viewpoints. The Key Stage 1 curriculum primarily focusses on Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, alongside non-religious world views such as Humanism.

As a result of their learning, children will articulate their RE knowledge using precise religious vocabulary. In line with our school rule, "Be respectful," we place great importance on demonstrating respect when discussing what they have learnt.

As pupils progress through school, their understanding of the role of religion in people's lives and communities will deepen. They will have opportunities to connect prior learning with current topics, making comparisons and recognising both similarities and differences across religions and topics taught. This approach ensures a comprehensive and respectful understanding of diverse beliefs and practices.

Subject Progression Tracker

Knowledge Organisers

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