Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
SEND Leader: Mrs A Bedford 
Governor for SEN: Mrs Garnett Watts
Special Educational Needs (SEN)
At The Mead Infant School we are renowned for having high expectation of all children and we are proud of our academic success. We recognise that children are capable of achieving beyond the expected National Curriculum level for their key stage and we differentiate work for them to ensure that they remain enthusiastic and motivated in their work. Our aim for all our children is to offer them high quality teaching so that their individual learning needs can be met.
At The Mead we have a very experienced team of teachers, teaching assistants and specialist teaching assistants. Special Educational Needs (SEN) within the school is monitored and co-ordinated by the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO).
We use a wide range of teaching strategies and resources to meet the needs of the children with SEN. At our school we have specialist rooms for small group teaching and all our classrooms have interactive whiteboards to deliver stimulating lessons.
Children on the SEN register will be given an Individual Support Plan (ISP) in order to set achievable and measurable targets. This is shared and reviewed with Parents every term so that relevant support or extension can be given so they can gain the most from the curriculum.
As part of the National Special Educational Needs Reform, local authorities are required to publish a ‘local offer’ which is intended to provide information about provision available to children with special educational needs in the local area. At The Mead Infant School we are proud of our inclusive practice and what we can offer to all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
Please click on links below to view the following documentation, relating to our special educational needs provision here at The Mead:
The Mead Infant and Nursery School SEN Information Report 2024-2025
Special Educational Needs and Disabilites (SEND) Local offer – Specialist Centre
Surrey Local Offer
In accordance with the requirements of the SEND Code of Practice (2015), Surrey County Council has developed a Local Offer website which contains information about service relating to special educational needs and disabilities. The website has a search function and a comprehensive information section including their toolkits, templates, forms and guidance documentation. The website address is: https:surreylocaloffer.org.uk.
MAC Family Hub
A support group within the Auriol Junior, Cuddington Community Primary and Mead Infant schools for families to provide positive support and improve family resilience through awareness, education and inclusivity.
Please click here for an overview of our meeting which focused on ‘The Zones of Regulation’ – An approach to managing children’ emotions.
Please click here for an overview of the presentation which focused on ‘Social Stories’, the theory behind them and how parents and carers can create their own.