School Rules, Rewards and Sanctions
The Mead Infant and Nursery School has three simple rules that everyone in our school community is expected to uphold:
“ Ready, Respectful and Safe"
The children are taught what these mean and what behaviours are expected. These rules are explicitly taught and modelled by all members of our school community and are further explored and taught in class, assemblies and other school learning opportunities.
Be ready
- I am ready to learn
- I do good listening and sitting.
- I have chosen the correct resources to help me with my learning
Be respectful
- I listen to others and talk politely to the adults and children
- I will look after my own, others and the school’s property
- I am kind, helpful and care about others
- I greet everyone at school with a “Happy Hello” and say a “Great Goodbye"
Be safe
- I listen and follow instructions from adults
- I do wonderful walking when I am moving through the school
- I follow our internet safety rules
- I play safely in the playgrounds
Rewarding Good Behaviour
All children are valued and made to feel good about themselves. We believe that positive recognition builds children’s self-esteem and promotes a happy safe environment for our children to enable them to achieve the best outcomes.
Positive Noticing
Adults notice children following the school’s rules and expectations successfully and give immediate positive feedback, stating specifically what they liked about the child’s behaviour. Children are also encouraged to notice each other and celebrate each other’s success.
Recognition Boards
These are present in every class and are visual way of recognising and rewarding positive behaviours. Classes may also have a specific behaviour focus linked to the rules of “Be Ready, Be Respectful and Be Safe”
Postcards Home
All staff can send postcards home throughout the year to recognise special successes for individual children.
Gold Awards
These are presented to children in assembly who have shown special effort or have gone over and above following the school’s rules of “Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe”
Sanctions always:
- make it clear that unacceptable behaviour affects others and how the behaviour does not meet our expectation of being ready, respectful or safe
- avoid being applied to a whole group for the activities of individuals.
- be consistently applied by all staff to help to ensure that children always feel supported and secure.
We will always inform parents when there are concerns about deteriorating levels of acceptable behaviour. However, staff will not routinely contact or inform parents of minor digressions.
It is important for the children to recognise that unacceptable behaviours will result in a consequence.
Where possible, this consequence will take place on the same day, so that the child can have a fresh start the next day. A playtime or lunchtime exclusion may be used if appropriate. This time will allow the child to reflect on their behaviour with a member of staff using a restorative approach.
Please read out Behaviour Policy for further details about sanctions. Behaviour Policy