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The Mead Infant and Nursery Curriculum Intent Statement

At The Mead Infant and Nursery School we aim to provide an engaging, stimulating, inclusive curriculum that excites our children and is reflective of their interests and experiences. Developing the whole child is at the heart of our ethos and our curriculum ensures that our children become happy successful lifelong learners.

Our curriculum has four key aims that underpin everything we do.

These are, for the children:

  • to become effective lifelong learners
  • to be able to manage their own well-being and empathise with others
  • to know key knowledge and be able to apply skills
  • to understand themselves, others and the world around them

To support these key curriculum aims we have developed an inclusive, engaging and coherent, relevant curriculum. We have a holistic approach that allows all of our children to succeed.  Our curriculum ensures that every child, no matter what their individual needs or barriers to learning are, have equal access and the same opportunities to achieve.