Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been a very busy half-term and both the children and staff have worked incredibly hard.
We enjoyed a lovely Harvest Assembly today where we gave thanks and the children sang songs beautifully. I was very proud of them. Thank you so much for the generous donations, these will be collected on November 1st and taken to the Epsom and Ewell food bank.
As we move into the next few months we know that it is very likely that cases of COVID will rise and the following system of controls will remain in place:
- Ensuring good hygiene is in place for everyone- frequent and thorough handwashing with hand gel/soap, coughing into your elbow, catch it, kill it, bin in approach. Staff will continue to wear PPE when administering first aid or caring for a child who is unwell.
- Regular cleaning of areas and equipment including frequently touched surfaces
- Keeping occupied spaces well ventilated (children may need to wear extra layers as the weather gets colder)
- Managing COVID symptoms; children and staff who present with COVID symptoms should not come to school and must take a PCR test. (Lateral flow tests are only to be used if your child is asymptomatic). If a child becomes unwell with COVID symptoms during the school day, they will be isolated and cared for by a member of staff until they are picked up from school. It is imperative that your child is picked up as soon as possible. If your child tests positive for COVID, they must not attend school and must isolate for 10 days.
- Staff will continue to undertake twice weekly lateral flow testing
We will continue to monitor the situation very closely and inform you if we are required to introduce new restrictions.
Thank you for all the support that you provide for our school, we are lucky to have such a supportive parental community.
I wish you and your families a happy and safe half-term break and look forward to seeing you all back on Monday November 1st
Kindest regards
Mrs Creasey